Submissions will be open Through Spring 2024. Send us your best work!
Email all submissions to with the subject heading “2024 Submission”
General Guidelines
Noctua Review is accepting previously unpublished short fiction and poetry. We do not consider translations at the present time.
Please do:
Send us simultaneous submissions (and notify us if your work is accepted elsewhere).
Include a third-person bio with your submission.
Send your submission in a Microsoft Word document.
Please do not:
Don’t include your name/identifying information on the submission itself.
Noctua Review requests First North American Serial Rights for print and digital publication. All rights revert to the author upon publication. We do not offer payment for accepted pieces at this time.
Our ideal poetry submission is a group of up to 5 poems, no longer than 10 pages total, uploaded in a single document (doc, docx). Traditional and nonce forms accepted as well as free verse.
We accept individual pieces (doc, docx) of up to 6,000 words. If you’re submitting multiple flash fiction pieces, please include up to three entries in a single submission totaling 3,500 words or fewer.